Welcome all, quick little introduction!




"I am starting this blog for a few reasons. Number one, because over sharing is my thing!"...

First off, I'm a hot mess on most days, but I'm also a wife to my incredible hubby who happens to be my best friend, a mom of 3 dope ass kids and an emotional wreck who is just trying her best to get through the day without crying or cussing everyone out. Let me explain...

My life is a constant balancing act between wanting to feel and appear "normal" (whatever that means) while my mind, body and soul are fighting to do the complete opposite, I'm convinced their main goal is to have me out here looking crazy. That being said, I am someone who struggles with severe anxiety, depression and is grieving from so much loss. I walk around on auto pilot, fake smiling, and constantly just pushing through most days. But, I am also so fun, someone who cherishes making memories, I crack myself up and swear that I am a comedian, I love everything about love, I'm a family is everything kind of person and that includes chosen family. I am learning to set healthy boundaries and teaching my kids what that looks like for their selves. I am on a journey to break family cycles, raise beautiful human beings and become the me that I am destined to be. 

I am starting this blog for a few reasons. Number one, because over sharing is my thing! It’s my life and I choose to write about it because I know that there are people who can relate and might feel less alone because of it, so why not make it a thing?… Secondly, life has been life-ing in so many ways and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. I'm someone who doesn't mind sharing things if I feel that it can help whoever is listening, I've always been that friend who gives some great ass advice and has probably "been there and done that", my life and all the struggles, changes, and lessons are worth talking about and honestly my therapist thinks it is a good idea to do something for me that will "feed into my soul". 

This is me ready to share what my life is like on a daily, to hopefully help others who feel ashamed or embarrassed of their circumstances. And at the very least, maybe just touch one person who may feel as if there is no one who will understand, but I do friend!. There will be laughable moments. TMI moments, tough moments and definitely some in between. I'm not sure how this is going to go but I hope you stick along for the ride. Welcome to Life is life-ing....